Transcription of the video:
Travis: You have a First Amendment right, and this is personal to me. If we as a civilization cannot protect our children, then we have no civilization. We're going to talk about that communist Marxist agenda and the destruction of the American family.
Mayor Pitts: Point of order is in order. Councilperson Reynolds, what's your point of order?
Karen Reynolds: Ethically, we should only be able to raise issues that are going to be part of an agenda item. If we're going to attack members of our community, it should be fact based. There's only hate speech, ethically speaking. Why do we continue? This will be the fourth time I am the mother of an active duty son in the Navy. I have literally had to call my son to go to his chain of command, because I'm standing up against hate and that he could be a target.
Mayor Pitts: He is within his rights to say what he would like.
Travis: The reason I'm doing this ultimately, is because, like a lot of people in our society and the LGBT community, they're highly addicted to like, this really addictive pornography, it brainwashes them. Kids are getting addicted to it. This is all over the internet.
Mayor Pitts: Hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on.
Travis: I've had it.
Mayor Pitts: Whoa! Hang on.
Travis: I've had it. I'm going to go ahead and, continue my presentation. The LGBTQ Marxist activist group is trying to indoctrinate, sexualize, drug and mutilate your children. We talked about society being sick. That's myself included. And, we all need to need to wake up and repent is don't don't be a part of the community, you know, like, you can be homosexual and be in our community and in our society. Just don't be a part of the of the LGBT, the leftist, communist, Marxists, the LGBTQ community, brainwashing and sterilizing children as by replacing all of us, with illegal immigrants. Just let's just go to church shop. And I'd like to give, all glory to God. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Thank you.
Karen: That was the most ungodly, unchristian presentation I've had to sit through yet. Our job are to take care of all members of our community. Separation of church and state. Doesn't matter who you pray to. It doesn't matter who you love. It doesn't matter what color of skin you are in. It doesn't matter how much money you have. This is unethical. This is wrong. This is making a segment of our population very unsafe. We're sitting up here painting targets on the backs of members of our community. I am the mother of a gay son who will never come back to Tennessee. And the mother of two brown sons who will never come back to Tennessee because of this kind of behavior. Every level in our state, I want you to know that I have real family values, unconditional love for my sons. I was a single mom and we were a family unit. You can have yours in, I can have mine. And the fertility rates are dropping because people in Tennessee need representatives like us to pay attention to affordability, attainable housing, providing jobs that pay a decent living, not just the lowest corporation can come in and pay. We are here to support families, not attack them. When you talk about the suicide rate of the LGBTQ community, it is exactly this hate speech that causes them to not want to be the way God made them. Just accept people the way God. Make them do the best we can for every citizen in our community.